we got covid

by Kristina Curtin
8 minute read

I debated on whether to write about this because COVID is a heavily political topic. I seriously despise talking politics and starting arguments that will never end. But through this blog I agreed to share an unfiltered look at our lives. Not sharing something because I’m unsure of the response wouldn’t be in line with my goal. So, this post is about how COVID 19 – the virus that has upended the world – finally made its way into my house.

The man flu

It comes as no surprise that Vince was the one that brought it home. Since he’s the only penis in this house, he gets sick weekly. Ok, that’s a blatant exaggeration but you all have likely heard of the man flu. Vince is a prime candidate for that debilitating virus. He gets it at least 4 times a year. His immune system is about as strong as a starving mouse.

A couple weeks ago, he came home from a business trip he made to North Carolina. Upon returning home, Vince basically curled up in bed for a solid 3 days. Fevered, chills, and a sore throat. That’s 3 days in bed! I honestly can’t even imagine if I had to lay in bed that long. Not that I’d ever want to. I’d lose my mind and this house might crumble and burn.

In his defense, he did seem sick. This was a solid case of the man flu for sure. Despite being unable to leave our king mattress, neither of us thought it was COVID. We chopped it up to allergies. We weren’t being naïve; Vince seriously gets bedridden from allergies sometimes. He’s a dainty little flower, isn’t he? Given that he traveled north, we thought it was the change in locations. It’s not uncommon for him to sweat out sickness. 

Allergies it was.

Since we are all doctors in my house, Vince never got tested. I joke, but neither of us saw the need to drag his ass out of the house to swab his brain. He probably would have died from that test anyways. Seriously. Have you seen the video of him recording me self-administering the COVID brain swab prior to our trip to Hawaii? He gagged at least 4 times. 

Such a puss bag.

No, Vince stayed home, recuperated, and tried to avoid contact with the rest of the people in the house.

It spreads

Flash forward a few days. Vince was better by this point. He gets tired easily but that’s not uncommon for him. Scarlett complained of a headache over the weekend and I decided to keep her home Monday morning just to let her relax and work it off. She stayed home and seemed fine, but then mentioned that her throat was sore. Still, I’m thinking it’s nothing serious. There’s no fever but I kept her home the next day as well.

On Wednesday, she seemed to feel somewhat better. Her nose is a bit stuffy and headache was still around, but improving. I found out from the school that in order for her to return, you needed to have a negative COVID test or an alternate diagnosis from a doctor. Shit nuggets. It’s like Black Friday in Florida when it comes to rapid COVID tests and doctor’s appointments. There are so many people needing to get tested ever since school went back. Pharmacies have zero availability for rapid tests and doctor’s appointments are scarce.

Thursday comes. I can’t find a place to get her tested and the doctor still doesn’t have availability. At this point, Scar said she couldn’t taste as good as she used to. I didn’t know if a) she was being dramatic (common), b) it was from her nose being a bit stuffy, or c) it was COVID.  But I did make her eat vegetables for dinner because I’ll be damned if we aren’t taking advantage of the no taste thing. 

Because she said she couldn’t taste well, I knew she would need a negative test in order to return to school. No doctor was going to diagnose her with anything different. I finally gave up on getting a doc appointment and mail ordered a test to our house. It was spit test one so Scar wouldn’t have to swab her brain. She is super terrified of the swab. I don’t blame her. It’s no picnic.

During this time, I also started to get a mild headache and felt a bit tired. I ignored it, took some Motrin, and keep plugging along. I did find myself struggling to keep my eyes open during the day though. I had started to get up at 5AM again since Evie was now sleeping through the night. I just assumed my tiredness was a product of that. 

In pure beast mode, I went about my days and did not lounge in bed. Might have fallen asleep sitting up watching Evie play, but that’s it. Normal mom stuff. Of course, I did not get anywhere near as sick as Vince. This is why women should rule the world. 

Joking, but not joking.

Scarlett’s test came in the mail finally. It was Saturday, 6 days since her symptoms started. She spit in the tube, sealed it up, and Vince ran it to UPS. 3 days later her results came back.

Scarlett's COVID Test Results

She was positive – which meant we were all likely positive as well. We didn’t go and get tested. Didn’t see the point. It had already been 10 days since the symptoms presented themselves anyways. Plus, Gianna never got sick. Her school only requires quarantine if symptoms are present, so she kept going to school. Evie literally has not been sick at all since she’s been born. That’s great on one hand, but slightly disturbing on the other. Kids are supposed to get sick to help build up their immune systems. I’m grateful she didn’t seem affected at all by COVID being in the house. But now I wonder if she has even been exposed to other germs yet? What kind of immune system is she developing if the world is trying to do it’s best to prevent all germ exposure? In this world where people mask up to walk outside? Where hand sanitizer is raining down from the sky? 

She does lick tables when we go out to eat and I have large doubts about the cleaning abilities of the staff at Texas Roadhouse…so maybe I am worrying for nothing.

The impact

That was it. That was how COVID ran through my household. Vince was sick for 3 days and is tired here and there, I had a headache and was tired, Scarlett had a headache and a sore throat, while Gianna and Evie went about their days like this virus was make-believe. 

I look at our experience and can’t help but see two things.

1) We are definitely fortunate. I know people that have gotten way sicker. I don’t personally know of anyone that died but I know people that know people. I sympathize with them – death is not easy no matter how it comes.

2) This entire planet has been turned upside down for a virus that gave me a headache. I don’t know how to reconcile that. I fully understand my experience isn’t everyone’s. I’m not that narrow minded and selfish. But my experience is my experience and as humans, that’s the biggest source of truth in any decision or opinion we make. My personal experience doesn’t justify the larger impacts our efforts to contain this virus have had on society, our economy, mental health, our children.

I know there are millions of others out there like me. Where COVID has had little effect on their health, but a gigantic effect on life otherwise. It just makes me question it all and wonder why and what if. Wonder if we will look back on this time in the future, and wish we would have dealt with COVID differently. Seeing how our fear led us to take actions that caused more harm than had we left it alone. 

Is that the story that will play out? I don’t know.

I don’t have a crystal ball. All I have is my experience, tons of conflicting and changing advice from experts, and my inner self that guides me towards what is right and true. When it comes down to it, that’s all any of us really have. I am thankful that I still live where I am given the freedom to make choices  and opinions based on that knowledge and inner truth. 

Right now, we are choosing not to get the vaccine. Based on my experience, what I have read, what the vaccine truly does….I don’t see the need to expose my family to it. My choice might not be yours. Your choice might not be mine. You might believe that my choice is harmful or wrong. You might think I am being selfish or foolish. You could be right. That ability to choose, though, is always right. In almost every scenario in life. The right to choose. I think a lot of us have forgotten that.

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Meant to rate this as a 5 but my fat thumb only hit 4…good article…definitely a personal choice and I begrudgingly got the shot. I didn’t want it, and will get the flu shot when it’s available. I want to travel and if you don’t have it I don’t think they let you. I don’t believe it it’s efficacy though that’s for sure… glad you all came through with no serious illness. 💗

Jaclyn Francese

Great post! I’m sorry you were all sick but glad the symptoms weren’t awful for you and 2 of you got away with nothing!! I received the vaccine due to underlying conditions and wanting to ensure I was ok to take care of the kids. My husband has not and we are good this way, if he needs to he will but for now it isn’t overly necessary. I commend you for posting about this as it could get political but you wrote it well and avoided the politics!!

Priscilla Sorensen

Love reading your articles. I’m so glad you guys are well now. You crack me up writing about Vince…Miss you guys!

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