
by Kristina Curtin

Scarlett is the stereotypical second child in that she is the extreme of every emotion and a constant contradiction. She’s the one your first child didn’t prepare you for. You cannot pin her down and catalog who she is in a neat little box. Which is frustrating and amusing as a parent. 

She is consumed with love and always has been. She is quick to hug and ask for a kiss but, in the next minute, she will hate you and want to run away and find a new family. She is creative and imaginative but gets frustrated when her efforts don’t play out the way her mind envisions. She is the tester of limits. She is independent and wants to explore things on her own, but still needs reminded to brush her damn teeth everyday (this is circa 2021). She is an observer of people and will call you out on things you said months ago but can’t remember that you asked her to grab her water bottle for school.

She makes me question every day my ability to be a good mother because she is frustratingly difficult. Yes, she’s grown up in the past few years. We’ve overcome most of our obstacles. Like the intense battles to get her dressed. I sometimes still have to mentally counsel myself during arguments with her that 1) hitting her won’t make anything better and 2) that I am the adult in the situation and need to get my shit together and show it.

While Scarlett is frustrating and will likely someday cause me to go insane like my mother, she is all the love. She can somehow make everything better with her strong hugs and her desire just to be held. She cannot ever do anything to make me wish she wasn’t here…and believe me, she tries.

She loves playing soccer and currently wants to be an interior designer or a nutritionist when she grows up (confirmed accurate as of 2023). For a time, I thought she would be a musician. Check out her confidence in the video below and her music on Spotify

**Please note that it is very difficult to maintain wholly accurate About pages for my children. They change every day and grow up quicker than I can keep up with now that I am juggling 4 nuggets. I will do my best to keep current but know that this is likely old by the time you read it. 

For the most accurate information on each Curtin child, please check out my blog posts.

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