
by Kristina Curtin

Gianna is my example child that I like to show people to prove that I am a good mother and we can raise a decent child that will be a pillar in our society. She listens when I tell her not to do something, she’s caring and usually compassionate, she’s well-mannered but in no way is she boring. She’s witty and funny. I can take her places and not worry about the outcome. I can rationalize with her and give her reasons why we can or cannot do something, and she doesn’t bitch about it.

She’s my “Look, I can do this right! I can raise a good child who follows rules but isn’t a total stick in the mud!!”

Gianna was raised surrounded by adults since we had her relatively young before any of our friends had kids. That means she is used to sitting and listening to adults have conversations instead of being entertained by toys or other kids. Which maybe makes her more mature than some kids her age, but she gets it. We can speak to her about adult topics and, while she may be grossed out or horrified, she understands.

She wants to be a photographer when she grows up, which allows her to take indulgent selfies and thousands of nature photos that we will likely do nothing with. She’s a good big sister but has the 4 years under her belt when the world did just revolve around her. She’s attracted to drama like most girls, but she doesn’t want to be a part of it.

In all seriousness, this gal is pretty amazing. I hate seeing how fast she is growing up and how she is quickly almost at my eye-level. But, at the same time, I am so damn excited and proud to see the little woman she is becoming. And, selfishly, I am excited to have her as my best friend someday – when the time is right. Because she is really, really cool.

**Update – I was told by Scarlett that I need to add something negative about Gianna here because everything I said above is good and it’s not right because I say negative things about Scarlett on her About Me page.  So, for Scarlett: 

Gianna is quite selfish sometimes and bad at sharing. Blame that on being an only child for a good part of her younger years. She also gets really annoyed with Scarlett and will say purposefully mean things to her but then pretend like it’s a joke. Hmm….what else. Oh! She’s a slob. Her room never stays clean. I’ve tried shaming her by taking pictures and posting on social media but that doesn’t help. And finally, she uses too much toilet paper. Sorry G, but you do. It’s like you’re trying to demolish the rainforest. 

Hope this makes Scarlett feel like it’s more even. Because no one is perfect, even Gianna.

**Please note that it is very difficult to maintain wholly accurate About pages for my children. They change every day and grow up quicker than I can keep up with now that I am juggling 4 nuggets. I will do my best to keep current but know that this is likely old by the time you read it. 

For the most accurate information on each Curtin child, please check out my blog posts.

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