raging hormones

by Kristina Curtin

Being a teenager is hard. Along with all the responsibilities and expectations, you also have a raging set of hormones. Making your skin break out, making you cry because you can’t find your other shoe, making you feel like YOU basically have no control over YOU anymore.

I remember those days….long, long, long, long ago. Felt like nothing I did was right and my self esteem was the size of a gnat. It sucked. But now, looking back, I realize that my teenage years were some of the best years of my life. I did so much. I had so many friends. Remembering moments from that time, I feel like they were more from a movie and not my real life. Those years were filled with so many memories I still think back on today.

So, it’s kinda funny seeing my oldest daughter, Gianna, entering her teenage years. She’s becoming a woman and it’s pretty cool… and scary, and weird, all at the same time.

The good

She doesn’t suffer from low self esteem like I did. She takes after her dad. We have a joke in the family about who each of us would be character-wise from the movie Jumanji 2.
Vince is Mouse, Kevin Hart’s character, because he always carries the diaper backpack (we call him backback guy) and his weakness is sweets.
Scarlett is Ruby Roundhouse because she’s super strong and can kick ass.
– I’m Oberon, Jack Black’s character because I’m good at planning things and getting us places.
Gianna is Bravestone, The Rock’s character. Why is she Bravestone? Well, in her words, “I’m the most important character and you guys all follow me.”

That girl’s got sass and she knows how awesome she is. I love it.

Us as Jumanji 2 characters

The scary

God I’m not ready for her to date. I just don’t trust boys at this age. Hell, at any age really. Vince has totally scarred me by telling me all the shit he did before I met him. The things teenage boys think about.

Boys are just trouble. But man, oh man, are G’s hormones on full blast right now. She wants a boyfriend so bad. She watches TV shows and basically swoons when couples kiss. She’s totally in love with Luke from Julie and the Phantoms. She got his band’s sweatshirt for Christmas and Scarlett even made her a little collage photo of him that she has framed in her room.

This girl’s got it bad.

Gianna's crush from Julie and the Phantoms

I’m totally not ready for her to have a boyfriend. Like a FOR REAL one. She is getting close to the age I was when I met Vince. It’s too soon for that kind of stuff. She’s still my baby. Thank GOD she is picky. Hopefully no boys catch her eye until she’s 18. I can deal with it then.

The weird

It’s kinda weird when your kids get to an age that you remember being. Like, I remember bits and pieces of my younger years, but 13-18 was prime time. My memories during this age are so much more vivid than my earlier years.

It’s weird to see her experience things and remember how I felt experiencing them. It makes me feel even more connected to her than I did before.

The magic

Maybe it’s just me, but I feel like there’s something magical about this stage in your life. Emotions are heightened. Your future is still being written and is full of possibilities. As a parent, I get a bit of that magical time back by watching my daughter navigate through its waters. Seeing her dream of what her future holds, even if that dream is mostly boy-related right now. Or seeing her forge friendships that I can tell will last for many years to come.

It’s such a gift.

Don’t get me wrong. Being a teenager has its shitty moments…like periods, rules, uncertainties, cliques, hormones, expectations to act like an adult when you are still a child, tests, etc. But, when you come out the other end and look back….often times….this time….is one of the best times of your life.

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[…] Motherhood […]

Jamie Curtin/Brown

Gianna is one gurl that will I know be strong an hold her ground this us a very good read too krissy!!! I love how u guys pick ur babes I think the girks told me about that when I was there to funny but so true love u

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