balls and butts – everywhere

by Kristina Curtin
4 minute read
raising the curtins
raising the curtins
10. balls and butts - everywhere

First things first. I am not a lady. No one would ever call me prim or proper. I fart – because everyone does. I crack dirty jokes. I wear a baseball hat to the dinner table and go to the bathroom with the door wide open. In no way am I a classy gal. And, Vince is a boy so…there’s that. Boys are just gross. Why must you touch your balls all the time? Why must you show me tricks with them like the ‘flying squirrel’ or the ‘ugly girl.’ I don’t want to see your balls, Vince.

Flying squirrel with text
The actual flying squirrel is a LOT more graphic.

So, it goes without saying that my daughters are also not pure, sweet little flowers. My girls are downright crude sometimes. Now don’t get all judgy on me. At least let me explain first. They have manners. They say please and thank you, excuse me, and Gianna washes her hands. (Let’s all socially shame Scarlett because I am calling that child out. She’s gross.) Mainly, my girls are crude in their humor. I didn’t set out to raise them to be that way. It all started quite innocently and with the highest parental intentions.

When Gianna was born, I was reading all the parenting advice I could find online because my experience was pretty mediocre in that department. And, like most first time parents, I was uber-paranoid about all the ways in which the world could fuck up my kid.

How do I keep them from doing drugs.
How do I keep them safe from pedophiles.
You know, the stuff you should be thinking about when they are 2.

What the fuck did I get myself in to?

I stumbled across an article back then that said you should teach your kids to know the real names of your body parts. For simple reasons but also in case some disgusting human decides to touch them, they know the real names of their private parts. So, if Gianna said to an adult, “Mr. O’Leary was really weird the other day when he said he wanted to touch my vagina” they would know fucking immediately that shit was wrong. But, if she said he touched her “tink” people wouldn’t have a clue.

Tink is what we also call vaginas in our household which is seriously hilarious if you have ever watched the Tinkerbell movie. There’s one part where she says “Being a tink stinks” and I can’t help but bust out laughing every single time. Because I am a child.

This image takes on a whole new meaning, right?!

Anyways, after reading the article, I decided that Gianna (and in future years Scarlett) would be 100% comfortable with their private parts. They would know all the right words.

But, that openness eventually spilled over to us being 100% transparent with them on all subjects. And here’s why.

I want to be the source of information for them, not their friends or social media. Because, first off, kids talk to each other and kids are fucking wrong most of the time about a lot of adult stuff like your body and sex. For example, Gianna had a friend a few years ago at school who said he couldn’t wait to grow up someday and rape girls.


She was maybe 10 when she came home and told me this. And she knew it was wrong. Now, I don’t know a lot of parents that talk to their 10 year olds about rape, but we had before. Because there’s no point in sheltering her from the ugly of the world. Information is power.

Because she knew what rape was, she knew that it wasn’t right that this kid said that. Point of this is, my girls know a lot about mature topics that most kids their age likely don’t have a clue about. I think this is  awesome. For two reasons.

1. There’s no point in hiding these things. Making topics taboo just make kids want to know about them more. And they will seek out the information elsewhere if you don’t share it. The internet is a playground.

2. Being open about life and adult topics improves my kid’s sense of humor. According to Scarlett, she “sees balls and butts everywhere.” We all do, right?

Is all of this slightly immature and crude? Yes. Yes it is. But, I want them to be able to talk about body parts without being ashamed or uncomfortable. And, a building block for that is humor in our family.

If you can’t laugh about something, like sweaty balls or the fact that they play jingle bells on my boobs, I don’t know what the point of life is.

A Gallery of Inappropriateness

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Priscilla Sorensen

Love it ! So funny!


This is too funny lol!!!


The title scared me, but funny read!


This is great!! We have similar talks in our house!! Keep up the great work!

Nickole Davis

Bwaahahahahhahahhaha I love that your daughter showed your guinea pig’s balls 🙂 Good job mom, you’re just the kind of girl I like!

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