I can’t tell you how many times in my life I’ve said the phrase “as they say” or “you know what they say.” Or heard it come up constantly in daily conversations to reference some really important piece of advice. And, we believe a lot of it to be true. Because it’s what they’ve said for years. The legacy of advice and wisdom passed down from generation to generation.
The infamous they. Who are they? How did they become so all-knowing? Why am I listening to them and giving them all the credit for things said? I picture a panel of people in white coats…like The View or The Doctors. And Oprah. Oprah definitely would be a “they-sayer.”
They say a lot of things about pretty much any topic you can think of… like:
Your Body:
They say your forearm is the same length as your foot.
They say that drinking red wine is good for the heart.
They say carrots are good for your eye sight.
They say music is the food for the soul.
They say sleeping on your left side is the best.
They say carbs are bad for you and fat is good.
They say you should get up every hour to stretch your legs.
Your Kids:
They say you shouldn’t give your kids red dye.
They say you should let your kids “cry it out” at night or they will never be independent sleepers.
They say spare the rod, spoil the child.
They say breast is best.
How to Make Decisions:
They say if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.
They say don’t sit on the toilet too long or you’ll get hemorrhoids.
They say don’t keep making that face or it’ll stay like that.
They say don’t put all your eggs in one basket.
They say three times a charm.
They say absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Or something insinuating something like….
You know what they say about big hands.
You know what they say about the crazy ones.
You know what they say, the bigger the sock the harder the rooster…..*clears throat* for emphasis.
Or, my personal LEAST favorite:
You know what they say about assuming….FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. I live my life assuming because people are horrible at communication so I have to connect the dots. Or, I just really don’t want to do something so I assume things to get out of it. It’s a coping mechanism and a cop-out to assume. But dammit I like it and will continue my life assuming.
I noodled on calling my blog “They say” and filling it with random pieces of advice that people could reference in their conversations.
“You know, I read on “They Say” that you shouldn’t show love through food,” or “They Say” that positive thoughts attract positive things.” Or “They Say” that you can choose to not lie to your kids about Santa and still have magic in their lives.
Ok, secret time. I totally don’t know how to “correctly” use quotes and it doesn’t matter that much to me to research…so I leave you all with that.
You know what they say about a woman who can’t use quotes correctly?
She’s probably sarcastic and short- and generally pretty awesome.