finding the g spot

by Kristina Curtin
1 minute read

Seniors at Gianna’s school get to paint their parking spots in the HS parking lot for a small fee. After she got her license, we were talking about future plans for what she would paint there next year. She’s pretty artistic so I’m sure it will turn out cool. Me, I’m not artistic at all. If I could have one skill I wish this was it. Well maybe that and cooking.

Anyways, I was looking out the window of the car while driving, noodling on some fun ideas that she could possibly do.

Then it hit me. ⚡💡
I started giggling.
Hearing me cackle to myself, she asked me what so funny.

Me: I had an idea for your parking space but it’s really not appropriate.
Gianna, her voice uneasy but ready to laugh because she knows me well: What is it?
Me, hesitating because I really shouldn’t bring this up to my 16 yr old: Do you know what the G spot is?
Gianna: Yes…..oh…..(and she starts laughing too). No, they definitely won’t let me do that.
Me: But…I mean, it’s literally your spot. “G Spot.” That would be hilarious. Just paint that!!! Imagine, people could take pictures with it and post them on Instagram and exclaim that they finally found the g-spot! It would be a photo up. You got to do it.

She humored me with more laughter and a little eye-roll. I don’t think she’ll ever do it. But at least my comedic genius was shared. 💪I never proclaimed to be an appropriate mom😉

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