baby, it’s cold outside

by Kristina Curtin
2 minute read

I don’t see why there was such a big backlash against the song “Baby It’s Cold Outside.” How stations banned the song from the radio because a few people complained that it was promoting date rape. The thing with songs, like any art form, is that they are open for interpretation. And those interpretations are usually based on a person’s experience. When I hear the song, I just think she’s arguing with him, but that chick really doesn’t want to leave. She’s making him work for it and he’s being a stud by warming up her icy hands and complimenting her lips. Hell, I wouldn’t want to leave. I’d put up with a lot to stay warm.

But other people say that he’s not hearing her and trying to make her stay. He slips something in her drink and ignores the “no means no” overarching statement. The #MeToo movement made this song seem evil instead of playful. So, they protested, complained to radio stations, and got the song banned. Must people complain so much? Are you really that offended by a song? Just change the station when it comes on. Just like on the internet if you see something that offends you, just keep scrolling. The Christmas movie, Love Hard, also had a scene where they sang the song, but the guy altered the lyrics to be less “rape-y.” The scene was cute and the revised lyrics aren’t bad. It’s just not the same cute banter as the original… in my opinion of course.

Listen, I have 4 girls. I’m a girl myself. This is one of my favorite holiday songs. I don’t think Baby, It’s Cold Outside is promoting or normalizing rape. I don’t think a guy, who’s predestined to rape someone, is going to be like, “hey she said no…, but I’m going to rape her anyways because of Baby It’s Cold Outside.” Screaming and crying and saying no is a far cry and vibe away from this song.

If I had to pick something to be offended by – because in this cultural time everyone is offended by something – I would say that it’s horrible that this song is telling girls that they need to care about what other people think. I think this woman wants to say yes and stay, really, but must pretend that she’s “a lady” and not a slut. The song alludes that she’s worried about the neighbors seeing her at this guy’s house late at night and ruining her reputation. We shouldn’t care that much about people’s opinions.

Girl, get it. If you want to stay warm and get sloshed, don’t let others make you change your mind. This is your life. Don’t let others live it for you. Plus, it’s fucking cold outside. The guy only told you that like 6 times.

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Vince Curtin

That is the problem with today. Just like comedy, people would rather complain that it offended them instead of just moving on.

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