free tickets to see a funny shirtless guy sweat onstage

by Kristina Curtin
2 minute read
Win 2 Free Tickets to See Bert Kreischer

Bert Kreischer and me may seem to have very little in common. After all, he’s a partier, rich, and has a penis. But, we actually are similar in a few ways:

– We use humor in all aspects of our lives (he just gets paid well to do this)
– We overshare our personal lives with the general public (again, he gets paid….whyyyy am I poor😭)
– We like to drink (though he’s scaling back)
– We both only have daughters (I beat him here with 4, boo-yah!)
– We both have hairy chests (he may have bigger boobs though)

And there’s probably more. Anyways, the man is funny. I’ve seen him once live when we lived in Pittsburgh. I can’t remember much (see #3 above) but 2 things stuck out in memory. First was he made me laugh a lot and second, his back was really sweaty:

Kristina and Vince Curtin with Bert Kreischer in Pittsburgh.

When Vince told me Bert was taping his next Netflix special in St. Pete this summer, I threw our self-inflicted budget out the window and said, “F it, let’s go.” I surfed on over to Ticketmaster and purchased 4 tickets to his Friday, July 5th taping at the Duke Energy Center.

Eat that, budget!!!! We are spending our non-existent money on experiences!! Mortgage be damned. 

But why 4 tickets, you ask? Well, I had the notion to try and resale 2 tickets at a premium to recoup some cash. Our friend does this with concert tickets ALL THE TIME and always makes out good. So, why not try to make some moola on tickets to see The Machine.

That was the plan. Until the gods of money realized what I was trying to do and restricted ticket resales on Ticketmaster. Bert also added additional tapings to his lineup in St Pete, making the formerly sold out show no longer sold out.

Alllllllrighty then.

Instead of trying to resell at face value to the general masses in the Tampa area, I decided to have a contest! I’ve been looking for ways to get my blog’s name out there – in hopes of someday also getting paid like my buddy Bert. Plus, I think his fans would get my sense of humor and tendency to overshare instead of judging me and saying I shouldn’t have kids like other people do. 

So. from now until the clock strikes midnight on June 28th, anyone that engages with Raising the Curtins across social media will be entered into a drawing to win 2 free tickets to Bert’s show on July 5th. Even bigger bonus? You’ll be sitting next to me and Vince. Priceless, right? We don’t have to talk to each other if you are awkward AF in social situations like I am. But Vince will likely befriend you. I’m sorry. It’s what he does.

I can’t pay for your airfare or travel costs. This is just 2 tickets. So if you can’t make it to St Pete, that’s on you.

I’m excited folks! Please share with anyone you think would love seeing that hairy chested fool on stage or reading this hairy chested mom of 4 blog posts. I’ll announce the winner on June 28th. Let’s gooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!

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