49. making it even isn’t easy

by Kristina Curtin
1 minutes read
raising the curtins
raising the curtins
49. making it even isn't easy

There are probably a million good things about having just one child. I can say this confidently because I have 3 kids. Jokes aside, all 3 of my girls are wonderful humans that I cannot imagine life without. However, there are definitely A LOT of positives about sticking to just one offspring. 

Such as the fact that you never have to worry about keeping the playing field even. You don’t have to count the number of Christmas presents and ensure they are equal. You don’t have to constantly try to split your time and attention between more than one child. With just one child, you can buy all the things – your only worries being that you might spoil your kid or go poor. Your attention can circle them like the planet does the sun because you don’t have to worry about playing favorites. They are your favorite. 

But when you procreate more than once, I think it’s inevitable that you will worry about making things equal.

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