48. being a mom means not knowing what you want

by Kristina Curtin
1 minutes read
raising the curtins
raising the curtins
48. being a mom means not knowing what you want

Being a mom to a newborn is definitely a confusing role. One part of you cherishes each and every moment. You luxuriate in the sweet baby smell, soft skin, utter neediness, and tiny grunts and coo’s. Your heart aches with their cries. You orbit them like Earth does the Sun. They are your entire world and you cannot imagine life without them in it anymore.

BUT, on the flip side, their cries irritate your sleep-deprived mind. You shush and shush without soothing them and feel like you might be on the brink of madness. They want to nurse constantly and you cannot do anything with yourself besides sit there like a glorified cow.

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