faulty fridges and silent f bombs

by Kristina Curtin
2 minute read

We had a repair tech at the house today to check out our garage fridge. It’s a piece of shit LG so of course the compressor is bad already. While the tech was in the garage, Vince came out to move the extra minivan seat out of the tech’s way and put it back into the van.

Ohhhhh mylanta.

I soooooo wish I had my video glasses on for this moment or at least my damn phone. Watching him try to reattach this seat back to the van was by far the BEST PART OF MY WEEK.

First try – aligns the seat up with the tracks and presses in.
Second try – repeats same steps as he did in the first try expecting a successful install.
Result = FAIL
Third try – shimmy shimmy koko bop. Let’s try it this way.

Now, normally this man would be cursing worse than a sailor at this point. His Catholic school teachers would be ear-muffing it HARD because there’s no way this Irish man’s temper would be holding back right now.


He can’t freak out. He can’t make a peep. Because the refrigerator tech is innocently working on our appliance a mere 20 feet away. Vince can’t curse. He can’t misplace his anger on me and say, “can you not just fucking stand there and do something?!?!” He can’t toss the 50 lb seat down the driveway in frustration.


All he could do is press his face to the sky, stiff arms down his sides and hands/ass clenched like he’s bench-pressing 300 lbs, and silently scream.

I watched this unfold. And I couldn’t help myself. I started to giggle. This image of him is burned into my mind. Him suppressing his anger and frustration, eyes up to the heavens in silent aggression. This was HYSTERICAL. I will remember this for the rest of my life.

And, if you know Vince, you likely wish you saw this in real life. Believe me, it was a TREAT. I’m sorry I couldn’t capture the moment for you on video or still image. Hopefully this post was enough.

Oh, and he got the seat in. And my damn refrigerator will cost $600 to fix.

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