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raising the curtins
raising the curtins
0. raising the curtins

About the show

On the run and want to stay up to date on all the posts from Raising the Curtins? This is the place to do it. All blog posts written by Kristina will be recorded into audio files for those on-the-go fans who love the content, but can’t find time to read. 

Meet the Host

kristina curtin

Kristina Curtin

Kristina lives in Tampa, FL with her husband Vince and 4 daughters. 


Needless to say that her house is pure chaos but it smells like Bath & Body Works and slime all the time. So that’s nice. Kristina works from home for a global media company doing stuff with numbers and words. 



While at home, and in between laundry loads, dodging toys scattered throughout EVERY SINGLE ROOM IN THE HOUSE, and carline pickups, Kristina finds hot pockets of time to write about real life on her blog. She’s been thoroughly detailing her family’s lives there since 2019. Since that time, the cops have only shown up to her door once based on her writing and there’s been no jail that’s a win!



Aside from the blog, Kristina is currently a self-published children’s book writer. She has even illustrated 2 books using Artificial Intelligence. Which is good she used AI and not her own drawing skills because she draws just about as well as she cooks.