beef. it’s not for dinner.

by Kristina Curtin
4 minutes read

Ok I stopped really following the Scary Mommy page a while ago because they are super obnoxious with their political stance. But, I came across this article today and it caught my eye.

It’s about the recipe site, Epicurious, not publishing beef recipes for the past year or so because of the negative effects the beef industry has on climate change. They haven’t posted recipes for a year because they wanted to help in what way they could to reduce the amount of beef we consume.

Do your own research…but it’s true. The amount of greenhouse gases produced by the beef industry is absurd.

So Epicurious hasn’t posted recipes including cow meat for a year…and no one has said anything. It’s like no one noticed. They decided to formally announce it today and share their reason why. Guess what? People are losing their everloving minds. Pissed that the site would do that and try to “control” what they eat. Some folks are saying they are going to eat double the beef now, just to spite.

Ugghhhhh….why are some people so damn ignorant and bull headed? Why can’t people see beyond the desire for a burger and realize how serious this is? There are so many alternatives out there. No one is asking you to fucking starve or eat seeds.

Anyways, I will say that my family doesn’t really eat beef. Not because of the impacts on our climate…I wasn’t really aware of that until the past year or so. We’ve slowly weeded it out of our diet for other reasons. For the most part, we eat birds and stuff from the sea.

Honestly, I stopped eating beef because 1) cows are fucking cute. They play with toys just like dogs do and have big, sweet, brown eyes. And, I may feel a kinship with them since I’m writing this as Evie nurses on the boob🐄.

2) I just feel gross when I eat red meat. My body feels dirty, like my insides are pumping out grease. Really icky. So, I just prefer not to eat it.

Vince and the kids are the same way…for the most part. They just don’t enjoy gnawing on a cow all the time. Sure, they’ll eat a burger… but only from McDonald’s. Vince will occasionally order one from a restaurant even though I bitch him out and tell him not to. Because, every time, he hates it. They never taste good. Beef, when you reaaaaaalllyyy think about it, is kinda nasty.

Don’t get me wrong, if this world went to shit and my family needed to eat a cow to survive, then trust me, Bessie’s dead. But, I don’t need to eat cow to survive. Know what I do need to survive?


So I’m going to do what I can to help it. Just like Epicurious is doing what they can to help. I hope more people do the same, for all our sake. Even if you don’t believe in climate change…can you ask yourself the question, “what if I’m wrong? What if climate change is real and I could do something about it, just by not eating beef? Is it really that big of a deal to me to eat a steak or burger?” 

Plus…cows are really adorable, doe-eyed creatures that prance like puppies when excited. And, they cry for their babies when they are taken away from them. How is that not heart-wrenching?! My soul hurts just knowing that. 

Sorry to get all dramatic, but I can’t see how a burger is more important than potentially saving the Earth and limiting the pain and heartache for these creatures.

And, overall, is it really that big of a deal that a recipe site took away tips and tricks on how to cook a cow? Simmer down, internet, and go eat some granola.

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