
by Kristina Curtin
2 minutes read
raising the curtins
raising the curtins
20. nancy

I will start with the assurance that I am not fucking crazy. Yet.

Nancy is not a family member. Nancy is my inner voice. Yes, I named it. Why? That’s weird, right?

Well, I read a book called “The Untethered Soul” and it talks about figuring out who you are. Most people struggle to define that. I’m not going to get into all the specifics of the book since it’s really heavy and spiritual but to simplify one piece of it- You are the observer.

You are the person that hears your inner thoughts.  You are not the one having the thoughts.  You are the one in your head hearing them. Crazy shit, right?

Anyways, you are supposed to observe your inner thoughts when they are happening and you decide whether you want to act on those thoughts or let them pass. I loved this idea because sometimes I would think things and say to myself that’s not me…where did that come from?

I decided to name my inner voice. So I could call her a crazy bitch and tell her to simmer down when she gets too nuts. Or tell her to shut up when she won’t stop singing a song I heard on the radio two days ago.

Nancy just seemed like a good name. Smart…but a little unhinged.

I’ll refer to Nancy as another person in my posts, so I agreed with the thought that I should give her a page on this blog. 

To at least explain why I’m not bat shit crazy.

Nancy doesn’t look like anything. She just exists in my mind to over analyze things. She’s OK really but sometimes she drives me nuts because she doesn’t shut the fuck up and I hate talking.

I swear I’m not crazy. Nancy is though. πŸ™‚

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